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Above the Clouds

Pilgrim Testimonials


I feel so blessed to have you all in my life. Pilgrimage changed that all for me. I will always be grateful for that.

                                                                                                                                                                 Karen Lyons

                                                                                                                                                                         MP #63


I notice I speak out more about my Love of our God and my neighbors since I experienced my Pilgrimage Weekend.
Friends in Christ gather together to worship and praise God and learn more about our faith and our Lord. 

                                                                                                                                                                   Terry Babins

                                                                                                                                                                      NCPP #56

Pilgrimage is a weekend with God.  The talks are centered around God's love for us.  It is a cool thing to experience because you are focused on nothing other than Him and surrounded by others who feel the same way.  If you are in need of a spiritual refresher, I would suggest coming to Michigan Pilgrimage.  You can have the opportunity to come away with a great sense of peace and new outlook on life.  You will gain a community of people you can turn to in times of need, joy and friendship.  This experience can help you a lot. I find myself doing more volunteering and service projects than I did beforeI attended Pilgrimage.  I have become a little more consistent with thestudy of scripture.
                                                                                                                                                        Ileona Geroux,

                                                                                                                                                                    MP #59

I tell everyone when I speak of my weekend - I was scared to death to go and
afterwards when I got in my car, I was scared to death to leave.  The experience for me was emotionally and physically exhausting.  It was a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, laughter, and tears.  But I am so blessed and thankful that I did go.  I have gained a deep connection and understanding of my Father and a Fire and Desire to keep learning more and continue to serve and see others change.  I gained forever friends and family that have the same passion.
                                                                                                                                                       Gail Snyder

                                                                                                                                                              MP #43


The most significant worship experience of our lives
"My wife, Carolyn, and I attended the first Michigan Pilgrimage. It was, without question, the most significant worship experience of our lives. It reminded us of, and reinforced, our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior in a very meaningful manner."
                                                                                                                                                                               Ed Dee

                                                                                                                                                                                MPP #1

I didn't realize I was part of God's plan
"I have been a Christian since I was eleven. But until I attended a Pilgrimage weekend, I didn't realize I was part of God's plan - me personally."
                                                                                                                                                                 Gayle Davidson
                                                                                      (MPP having been a guest at North Carolina Pilgrimage #34)

You will never have a better experience in learning what it means to give yourself to others
"It was a privilege to serve on the team for MPP #6. Our dear Lord and Savior takes your breath away doesn't He? My prayer is that more and more people will have the privilege to attend these weekends because you truly get a sense of a servant's heart!
I pray that our guests will want to come back and work next spring. I promise you, you will never have a better experience in learning what it means to give yourself to others. You may think that the team did a lot of work and got nothing out of it like you did, but I am a living testimony to God that as a team member, I truly received His Grace through serving you."
God Loves You and So Do I,
                                                                                                                                                                    Kathy Yeckley                                                                                                          (MPP having experienced the Walk to Emmaus Weekend)

I don't want the feeling to end
"We were told during our weekend to remember that upon reentering our normal lives the world hadn't changed but we had.  Oh, how true!  Monday morning I woke up and the sky looked bluer, the grass greener, and the trees in fuller bloom.  I was so aware of how awesome God's creation is.
Renewal is a good word to try to describe the weekend for me.  I just didn't realize how empty my glass had become and, after having time to reflect, I felt like I am full again.  I would love for everyone to experience a Pilgrimage and be able to come back feeling the way I felt.  I don't want the feeling to end.  I know I am a better wife, mother, friend, etc. because of my Pilgrimage weekend.   It is so amazing to be immersed in God's presence for those 72 hours and to look around and see His love and understanding in others.
Thank you to all of those who served this weekend.  What a gift you shared with me and one that I can't wait to share with others."
God loves you and so do I,

                                                                                                                                                                        Paige Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                            MPP #13

One of the best decisions I have ever made
I was a little hesitant, to say the least, about my first Pilgrimage experience. I finally agreed to go, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. What I found through the Pilgrimage was a communal encounter with Christ. Just what I was yearning for. The weekend was intentional; every part planned with a purpose, which enriched the experience and added meaning to my life. I have attended several Pilgrimages since, and I encounter Christ through everyone each time. That's why I keep coming back!
                                                                                                                                                                Heather Snippe
                                                                                                                                                                               MPP #4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

You will experience God's love for you, personally
God's love is poured out in so many ways all throughout the weekend. You will experience God's love for you, personally, and learn how you fit in to God's larger purposes and plan as well as how you can participate in God's mission here on earth.
                                                                                                                                                                       Ann Conklin                                                                                                                                                                            Pastor MPP #13                                                                              

It's a powerful time because God always shows up
Being part of team on a pilgrimage is like being part of a huge family where we get together twice a year to serve Jesus together. The family keeps growing and I am blessed by the new lives that I have the privilege of interacting with at the beautiful setting of Camp Henry. It's a powerful time because God always shows up. His Spirit is felt by me as I serve my fellow team members and pilgrims. When I miss a pilgrimage, it almost feels like I missed a family reunion.                                                                                                                                            Kathy Bruins MPP #4


Awesome stuff!
"How do we summarize our weekend experience? WOW! I loved being immersed in an environment that loved me in spite of myself.  I was able to step out of my way, see me as others see me – more importantly, as JESUS sees me – and extend some forgiveness and healing to myself thru the love of Christ. Awesome stuff! "

                                                                                                                                                           Angie DeMeester

                                                                                                                                                                            MPP #6

I have felt the arms of our Lord holding me up
"Keep asking your friends to come. It took my sponsor asking from MPP #2 through #15 to get me to say yes. I knew I should go, but felt that other things I was involved in were more important --- how stupid of me   Nothing is more important than growing your relationship with God.  Since MPP #15, I have worked weekends and accepted Rector when asked. Life has been a roller coaster, but I have felt the arms of our Lord holding me up --- What a feeling!  We must be still and listen and MPP weekends give you the time."

                                                                                                                                                          Mary  Sensabaugh                                                                                                                                                                                MPP #15 


There was always a question about "WHY?" Pilgrimage answered that question
"I have always believed in God, but there was always a question about "WHY?"  Pilgrimage answered that question and having gone through a Pilgrimage weekend, I have renewed my faith experience and a new awareness in God and his power.  If you are struggling with your faith or need to reconnect with God, Pilgrimage is the place.  If you feel a need to increase your faith, Pilgrimage is the place.  You will be so enriched by the experience, you will want to Pass It On to others and be one of God's Servants."
                                                                                                                                                                     Rich Yeckley
                                                                                        (MPP having experienced the Walk to Emmaus Weekend)

Like an immunization for my spirit, helping to protect me ...
For me the pilgrimage was like a shot in the arm.  Like an immunization for my spirit, helping to protect me from the forces of evil all around me.
                                                                                                                                                     Sharon Groeneveld

                                                                                                                                                               MPP #37

Pilgrimage can be a journey – not just a three-day experience.
"The three-day Pilgrimage experience has impacted my walk with Christ and affirmed my sense of ecumenism. I have attended many different Christian churches in my lifetime, Pilgrimage has brought the best of all of them together – it is a model of attitude for what I see as ' one body in Christ.' The brothers and sisters in Christ that I have acquired through Pilgrimage are very special to me - many became friends only because our paths crossed on a MPP weekend. These friends represent more than 75 different churches, some in Michigan, some many states away. Together we continue to explore our commonalities being our love for the Lord and sharing that love with each other."
Pilgrimage can be a journey – not just a three-day experience.

                                                                                                                                                                    Sue Ann Clark

                                                                                                                                                                           MPP #1 

Gave me an opportunity to listen to God
"Attending a Pilgrimage weekend gave me an opportunity to listen to God;  an opportunity to have an open heart and mind. It was inspiring to have God reveal to me where He had been guiding me and where He planned for us (He and I) to go in the future.  If you are going to live a purpose driven life, you better know what the purpose is."

                                                                                                                           Dave Andrus

                                                                                               (MPP having been a guest at North Carolina Pilgrimage #56) 

A time of reflection and renewal
"Pilgrimage  weekend was a time for reflection and renewal of my spiritual life.  It was a time to focus in my life and see how God has been by my side through the years.  His love and grace were so evident."
                                                                                                                                                                         Julie Trasky
                                                                                                                                                                              MPP #1

I left there with a stronger sense of who I am in Christ Jesus...
At Pilgrimage I experienced an outpouring of the love and grace of God in a profound way.  I left there with a stronger sense of who I am in Christ Jesus.
                                                                                                                                                                         Michelle Lueck

                                                                                                                                                                               MPP #37

Awesome stuff!
"How do we summarize our weekend experience? WOW! I loved being immersed in an environment that loved me in spite of myself.  I was able to step out of my way, see me as others see me – more importantly, as JESUS sees me – and extend some forgiveness and healing to myself thru the love of Christ. Awesome stuff! "
                                                                                                                                                                        Angie DeMeester
                                                                                                                                                                                MPP #6

It's 3 days that I would recommend to everyone who wants to...
From the moment I arrived I could say that it was not only very organized, but people were very friendly.  Little did I know then that those friendly faces would turn out to be good friends.  The spiritual element was there from the beginning and grew to fill each of us throughout the weekend.  It's 3 days that I would recommend to everyone who wants to grow in faith, make new friends and eat good food.
                                                                                                                                                                     Jack Groeneveld
                                                                                                                                                                              MPP #37

God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way.
"As my husband and I prepared to attend Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage #5 (MPP#5) I told our daughter in Louisville, KY that we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into and that we had no clue what we were going to be doing. All we knew was that we would be going to Camp Henry at Newaygo, MI for a long-weekend retreat. Following are some thoughts I would like to share with you about MPP #5.
After a dinner where we were first introduced to Pilgrimage, our next stop was Camp Henry and we were met in the lodge by a circle of happy, smiling people all waiting to greet us by name with a hug or a handshake. The thought went through my mind that these people were way too happy!
As the evening progressed, we each gave our name and why we came to MPP#5. We were soon told that we were not at MPP#5 because someone twisted our arm, or that we ran out of excuses why we couldn't come, or even that we chose to come. We were at MPP#5 because GOD chose US to come! Imagine....GOD chose ME!
Later, during communion by intinction in the chapel, the pastor poured the wine too quickly and it splashed right on out the other side of the chalice and onto the floor. As the bread and wine were passed I happened to look down at the mess on the concrete floor. Suddenly I realized that our Lord's blood really was shed for's shed right there on the floor in front of me!
Fast forward now to Sunday evening! It's been an exciting and busy three days with lots of talks and conversations and lots of new friends, but the best was yet to come! MMP#5 ended on an unbelievably high note and we all returned to our homes and the comfort of our own beds to reflect on the weekend! We had been told that when we left Camp Henry the world would be the same but that we would be different. It was only two days later when I found that statement to be true.
On Tuesday morning I stepped into the bathtub for my morning shower. I washed my hair and grabbed my scrunchie and the shower gel and put my normal three dollops of gel onto the scrunchie. I looked at it as I held it in my hand and the thought crossed my mind that our faith is just like those three dollops of shower gel....if we don't show our faith it just sort of sets there and does nothing. But when we squeeze that scrunchie the soap bubbles up and the more we squeeze the more bubbles we have. If we massage our faith it too suddenly bubbles up and just as we put that scrunchie to work on our body and the bubbles grow even bigger and stronger so too does our faith grow bigger and stronger when we put it to work in our lives! Now as I stood there in the shower-soaking wet it came to me that all these thoughts about shower gel on a scrunchie and my faith almost could be made into a story! "Whoa, God, what are you doing to me...I'm not a writer or a storyteller. I don't have a way with words... I don't like to get speak in front of people! What are you planning for me now?" But I hurriedly dried off and wrapped my towel around me and went out to the computer and put my idea know that things may only orbit once and be gone forever if we don't write them down!
"God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus." (Max Lucado) I'll be at MPP#6 in November as a part of the team...I hope to see you there! God loves you and so do I!"
                                                                                                                                                              Carol Ann Pattengale
                                                                                                                                                                           MPP #5


Pilgrimage was a time of profound peace...
Pilgrimage was a time of profound peace for me.  I experienced more love and grace than within all of my life combined.  I was able to spend quality time in God's presence and get away from the rest of the world.  I highly recommend it for everyone.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Kim Yarger
                                                                                                                                                                                    MPP #37

To me about the weekend was about community...
To me about the weekend was about community.  I worked and met some incredible people with incredible stories of God's grace and love.

                                                                                                                                                                         Laurie Mueller

                                                                                                                                     MPP Servant (Tres Dias#31 weekend)                 





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